بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الإِخْلاصُ وَحُبُّ الثَّناءِ لا يَجْتَمِعانِ
لا يجتمع الاخلاص في القلب ومحبة المدح والثناء والطمع فيما عند الناس إلا كما يجتمع الماء والنار والضب والحوت. فإذا حدثتك نفسُكَ بطلب الاخلاص فأقبل على الطمع أولاً فاذبحه بسكين اليأس, وأقبل على المدح والثناء فازهد فيهما زهد عشّاق الدنيا في الآخرة, فإذا استقام لك ذبحُ الطمع والزهدُ في الثناءِ والمدحِ سَهَلُ عليك الاخلاص.
فإن قلت: وما الذي يسهّل عليَّ ذبحَ الطمعِ والزهدَ في الثناءِ و المدحِ ؟ قلت: أما ذبحُ الطمعِ فيسهله عليك علمُكَ يقينا أنه ليس من شيء يُطْمَعُ فيه الا وبيد الله وحده خزائَنه لا يملكُها غيرُهُ , ولا يُؤتي العبدَ منها شيئا سواه. وأما الزهدُ في الثناءِ و المدحِ فيسهِلُهُ عليك علمُكَ أنه ليس أحدٌ ينفعُ مدحُهُ ويزين, ويضرُ ذَمُّهُ ويُشِيْن الا الله وحده, كما قال ذلك الأعرابي للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: إِنَّ حَمْدِي زَيْنٌ وَإِنَّ ذَمِّي شَيْنٌ, فَقَالَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ :" ذَاكَ اللَّهُ " (الترمذي و قال حسن غريب, وأحمد, و النسائي) .
فازهد في مدح من لا يزينك مدحه, وفي ذم من لا يشينك ذمه, وارغب في مدح من كل الزين في مدحه, وكل الشين في ذمه, ولن يقدر على ذلك الا بالصبر واليقين, فمتى فقدت الصبر واليقين كنت كمن أراد السفر في البحر في غير مركب, قال الله تعالى:{ فَاصْبِرْ إِنَّ وَعْدَ اللَّهِ حَقٌّ وَلا يَسْتَخِفَّنَّكَ الَّذِينَ لا يُوقِنُونَ } , وقال تعالى:{ وَجَعَلْنَا مِنْهُمْ أَئِمَّةً يَهْدُونَ بِأَمْرِنَا لَمَّا صَبَرُوا وَكَانُوا بِآيَاتِنَا يُوقِنُونَ }
29 من رمــضان 1429
الموافق 2008/09/29م
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
400 Belgen bekeren zich tot islam
400 Belgen bekeren zich tot islam
Opvallend: drie op de vier is vrouw
Steeds meer katholieke Belgen worden moslim. Op het Islamitisch Centrum in Brussel is vorig jaar het bekeringsritueel 400 maal uitgevoerd. Dat is 100 maal meer dan het jaar voordien. Nog opvallend: meer vrouwen dan mannen bekeren zich.
Abdel Kadet van het Islamitisch Centrum: ,,Sinds de 11 september-aanslagen krijgen we continu meer aanvragen voor het bekeringsritueel. Door die aanslagen in de interesse in de islam gegroeid. Zo komen mensen erachter dat wij anders zijn dat het beeld dat de media van ons ophangen.''
Over het feit dat 300 van de 400 bekeerlingen vrouwen zijn, tasten ze op het centrum wat in het duister. ,,Het is zeker niet zo dat al die vrouwen moslima worden om met een moslim te kunnen trouwen. Moslimmannen mogen trouwens vrouwen van ander geloof trouwen.''
Op de motivatie van mannen die zich bekeren, hebben ze op het Islamitisch Centrum wel een duidelijker zicht: ,,Vaak ligt er een Romeo en Julia-gegeven aan de basis: de Belgische man is halsoverkop verliefd geworden op een moslimmeisje.''
Wie zich bekeert, kan voorafgaand een initiatiecursus volgen. Al is dat niet verplicht. Tijdens het bekeringsritueel - waaraan verplicht een lichaamsreiniging voorafgaat - wordt een geloofsgetuigenis afgelegd. Daarin erkent men dat Allah de enige God is en Mohammed zijn profeet.
Mannen die zich bekeren, moeten wel bereid zich te laten besnijden. Aan vrouwen worden geen dergelijke eisen gesteld. Ook het dragen van een hoofddoek komt niet ter sprake. Alleen mogen zij na hun bekering alleen nog maar trouwen met een moslimman. (POM)
Opvallend: drie op de vier is vrouw
Steeds meer katholieke Belgen worden moslim. Op het Islamitisch Centrum in Brussel is vorig jaar het bekeringsritueel 400 maal uitgevoerd. Dat is 100 maal meer dan het jaar voordien. Nog opvallend: meer vrouwen dan mannen bekeren zich.
Abdel Kadet van het Islamitisch Centrum: ,,Sinds de 11 september-aanslagen krijgen we continu meer aanvragen voor het bekeringsritueel. Door die aanslagen in de interesse in de islam gegroeid. Zo komen mensen erachter dat wij anders zijn dat het beeld dat de media van ons ophangen.''
Over het feit dat 300 van de 400 bekeerlingen vrouwen zijn, tasten ze op het centrum wat in het duister. ,,Het is zeker niet zo dat al die vrouwen moslima worden om met een moslim te kunnen trouwen. Moslimmannen mogen trouwens vrouwen van ander geloof trouwen.''
Op de motivatie van mannen die zich bekeren, hebben ze op het Islamitisch Centrum wel een duidelijker zicht: ,,Vaak ligt er een Romeo en Julia-gegeven aan de basis: de Belgische man is halsoverkop verliefd geworden op een moslimmeisje.''
Wie zich bekeert, kan voorafgaand een initiatiecursus volgen. Al is dat niet verplicht. Tijdens het bekeringsritueel - waaraan verplicht een lichaamsreiniging voorafgaat - wordt een geloofsgetuigenis afgelegd. Daarin erkent men dat Allah de enige God is en Mohammed zijn profeet.
Mannen die zich bekeren, moeten wel bereid zich te laten besnijden. Aan vrouwen worden geen dergelijke eisen gesteld. Ook het dragen van een hoofddoek komt niet ter sprake. Alleen mogen zij na hun bekering alleen nog maar trouwen met een moslimman. (POM)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Artist Sundus Abdul Hadi on the Prostitution of Iraqi Refugee Girls in Syria
by Suki Falconberg
An Iraqi-Canadian painter in Montreal named Sundus Abdul Hadi e-mailed me as a result of one of my articles, “Miss Iraq Comments on the Prostitution of Iraqi Women and Girls” and sent me one of her paintings. It is called “Inanna in Damascus ” and shows the prostituting of an Iraqi girl in Syria . She is naked and surrounded by both civilian men and a soldier.
This sexual pain and humiliation is a common occurrence now since the war has driven about 50,000 Iraqi refugee women and girls in Syria and other Arab countries into prostitution. (We do not have figures for the women and girls inside Iraq forced into prostitution.)
I want to thank Ms. Abdul Hadi for this moving painting and let you know a bit more about it and her. I asked her permission to use information from her e-mails since such correspondence is private–and she said she would like me to share what she knows with others.
Here is what the artist says of her work: “I titled the painting ‘Inanna in Damascus .’ Inanna is the Sumerian Goddess of sexuality and war (or love and fertility- the G rated version), the early Mesopotamian version of Aphrodite. The painting is based on the original painting by Jean-Leon Gerome, a French Orientalist, titled ‘The Slave Market’ from 1867.”
Ms. Abdul Hadi told me that “at the time that I started thinking about this painting, there wasn’t very much information available about the plight of Iraqi refugees working as prostitutes in Syria, Dubai, and other Arab countries. I had to turn to You Tube, where there is a multitude of cell phone videos that dirty Arab patrons have filmed inside clubs and hotel rooms of their trysts with these girls and women.”
Ms. Abdul Hadi has been to Syria and seen first-hand what is happening. Here is what she says: “I found that during my visit to Damascus this past April, I was assumed to be a prostitute simply due to the fact that I am an Iraqi woman in Syria. Sadly, being an Iraqi woman refugee is now synonymous with being a prostitute, in certain places.”
Of the painting, she says, “the soldier is there for a two reasons. The first, it is a reminder of the current U.S. occupation in Iraq, the reason for the mass exodus of refugees to neighboring countries. Second, it is a commentary on the gaze of the Western man towards the Arab woman. Especially in the case of soldiers, who are definitely not exempt from trysts with Arab prostitutes either in Iraq or on their breaks to Dubai/Kuwait/Jordan.”
She wrote me that “this subject is very taboo amongst Arab communities, as I’m sure you know very well. However, I did show my work to quite a few people when I was in the Middle East and I was very surprised that it was received very well, by all kinds of Arab men and women. A few did tell me that this kind of imagery and subject is ‘bound to get you in trouble,’ but mostly, the comments were very encouraging.”
I want to thank her for sharing this painting with me. Not only does it illustrate beautifully and painfully the plight of these girls; but the more I look at it, the more I see in it. I notice that of the men surrounding the girl, one Arab man is in traditional dress and the other in civilian clothes. The artist also blends the older feel of Damascus, with its minarets and crumbling walls, and the modern in the form of the red sports car in the lower right-hand corner. And she makes the soldier of indeterminate race—he could be Caucasian or black or Italian or Hispanic—all of which indicates to me the universality of the girl’s sexual enslavement. Men from all worlds and all races and all time periods in history have used women so. She is being examined by one of the men, who appears to be looking in her mouth; but on closer inspection, he seems to be holding a cigarette to her lips. The girl’s body is passive and limp, and her eyes are blank and dark, with no irises or pupils, as if the heavy make-up required to mask the prostitute’s face has left her with no inlet to her soul. Her passive body makes her look hopeless, as if she has given up.
It is a sad and moving painting. And I wish I could do something to change the painful reality of all the Inanna’s in Damascus.
You can find out more about Ms. Abdul Hadi and her art at www.myspace.com/sunduga and at her blog http://mesopotamiancontemplation.blogspot.com.
Suki Falconberg is a contributing editor for Cyrano’s Journal Online. Her book on military prostitution, The Raped Vagina, will be available on amazon.com later this fall.
An Iraqi-Canadian painter in Montreal named Sundus Abdul Hadi e-mailed me as a result of one of my articles, “Miss Iraq Comments on the Prostitution of Iraqi Women and Girls” and sent me one of her paintings. It is called “Inanna in Damascus ” and shows the prostituting of an Iraqi girl in Syria . She is naked and surrounded by both civilian men and a soldier.
This sexual pain and humiliation is a common occurrence now since the war has driven about 50,000 Iraqi refugee women and girls in Syria and other Arab countries into prostitution. (We do not have figures for the women and girls inside Iraq forced into prostitution.)
I want to thank Ms. Abdul Hadi for this moving painting and let you know a bit more about it and her. I asked her permission to use information from her e-mails since such correspondence is private–and she said she would like me to share what she knows with others.
Here is what the artist says of her work: “I titled the painting ‘Inanna in Damascus .’ Inanna is the Sumerian Goddess of sexuality and war (or love and fertility- the G rated version), the early Mesopotamian version of Aphrodite. The painting is based on the original painting by Jean-Leon Gerome, a French Orientalist, titled ‘The Slave Market’ from 1867.”
Ms. Abdul Hadi told me that “at the time that I started thinking about this painting, there wasn’t very much information available about the plight of Iraqi refugees working as prostitutes in Syria, Dubai, and other Arab countries. I had to turn to You Tube, where there is a multitude of cell phone videos that dirty Arab patrons have filmed inside clubs and hotel rooms of their trysts with these girls and women.”
Ms. Abdul Hadi has been to Syria and seen first-hand what is happening. Here is what she says: “I found that during my visit to Damascus this past April, I was assumed to be a prostitute simply due to the fact that I am an Iraqi woman in Syria. Sadly, being an Iraqi woman refugee is now synonymous with being a prostitute, in certain places.”
Of the painting, she says, “the soldier is there for a two reasons. The first, it is a reminder of the current U.S. occupation in Iraq, the reason for the mass exodus of refugees to neighboring countries. Second, it is a commentary on the gaze of the Western man towards the Arab woman. Especially in the case of soldiers, who are definitely not exempt from trysts with Arab prostitutes either in Iraq or on their breaks to Dubai/Kuwait/Jordan.”
She wrote me that “this subject is very taboo amongst Arab communities, as I’m sure you know very well. However, I did show my work to quite a few people when I was in the Middle East and I was very surprised that it was received very well, by all kinds of Arab men and women. A few did tell me that this kind of imagery and subject is ‘bound to get you in trouble,’ but mostly, the comments were very encouraging.”
I want to thank her for sharing this painting with me. Not only does it illustrate beautifully and painfully the plight of these girls; but the more I look at it, the more I see in it. I notice that of the men surrounding the girl, one Arab man is in traditional dress and the other in civilian clothes. The artist also blends the older feel of Damascus, with its minarets and crumbling walls, and the modern in the form of the red sports car in the lower right-hand corner. And she makes the soldier of indeterminate race—he could be Caucasian or black or Italian or Hispanic—all of which indicates to me the universality of the girl’s sexual enslavement. Men from all worlds and all races and all time periods in history have used women so. She is being examined by one of the men, who appears to be looking in her mouth; but on closer inspection, he seems to be holding a cigarette to her lips. The girl’s body is passive and limp, and her eyes are blank and dark, with no irises or pupils, as if the heavy make-up required to mask the prostitute’s face has left her with no inlet to her soul. Her passive body makes her look hopeless, as if she has given up.
It is a sad and moving painting. And I wish I could do something to change the painful reality of all the Inanna’s in Damascus.
You can find out more about Ms. Abdul Hadi and her art at www.myspace.com/sunduga and at her blog http://mesopotamiancontemplation.blogspot.com.
Suki Falconberg is a contributing editor for Cyrano’s Journal Online. Her book on military prostitution, The Raped Vagina, will be available on amazon.com later this fall.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Aktiv Muslim 3
Aktiv Muslim 3 - nu har turen äntligen kommit till Malmö

Jag kommer skriva några nya rader här om Aktiv Muslim 3, inshallah. Under tiden kan du klicka på länken precis under för att komma till sidan med all information på:
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ثَوابُ الانْشِغالِ بِاللهِ
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
نفائس الثمرات - ثَوابُ الانْشِغالِ بِاللهِ
إذا أصبح العبد وأمسى وليس همه إلا الله وحده تحمل الله سبحانه حوائجه كلها، وحمل عنه كل ما أهمه، وفرغ قلبه لمحبته، ولسانه لذكره، وجوارحه لطاعته، وإن أصبح وأمسى والدنيا همه حمله الله همومها و غمومها و أنكادها، ووكله إلى نفسه، فشغل قلبه عن محبته بمحبة الخلق، ولسانه عن ذكره بذكرهم، وجوارحه عن طاعته بخدمتهم وأشغالهم، فهو يكدح كدح الوحش في خدمة غيره كالكير ينفخ بطنه ويعصر أضلاعه في نفع غيره. فكل من أعرض عن عبودية الله وطاعته ومحبته بلي بعبودية المخلوق ومحبته وخدمته. قال تعالى: { وَمَن يَعْشُ عَن ذِكْرِ الرَّحْمَنِ نُقَيِّضْ لَهُ شَيْطَانًا فَهُوَ لَهُ قَرِينٌ }.
كتاب الفوائد لابن القيم
نفائس الثمرات - ثَوابُ الانْشِغالِ بِاللهِ
إذا أصبح العبد وأمسى وليس همه إلا الله وحده تحمل الله سبحانه حوائجه كلها، وحمل عنه كل ما أهمه، وفرغ قلبه لمحبته، ولسانه لذكره، وجوارحه لطاعته، وإن أصبح وأمسى والدنيا همه حمله الله همومها و غمومها و أنكادها، ووكله إلى نفسه، فشغل قلبه عن محبته بمحبة الخلق، ولسانه عن ذكره بذكرهم، وجوارحه عن طاعته بخدمتهم وأشغالهم، فهو يكدح كدح الوحش في خدمة غيره كالكير ينفخ بطنه ويعصر أضلاعه في نفع غيره. فكل من أعرض عن عبودية الله وطاعته ومحبته بلي بعبودية المخلوق ومحبته وخدمته. قال تعالى: { وَمَن يَعْشُ عَن ذِكْرِ الرَّحْمَنِ نُقَيِّضْ لَهُ شَيْطَانًا فَهُوَ لَهُ قَرِينٌ }.
كتاب الفوائد لابن القيم
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
'Muslim massacre' computer game condemned
A computer game in which players control an American soldier sent to "wipe out the Muslim race" has been condemned as offensive and tasteless by a British Muslim group.
The goal of Muslim Massacre, which can be downloaded for free on the internet, is to "ensure that no Muslim man or woman is left alive", according to the game's creator.
Players control an "American Hero" armed with a machine gun and rocket launcher who is parachuted into the Middle East.
Users progress through levels, first killing Arabs that appear on screen and later taking on Osama bin Laden, Mohammed and finally Allah.
The game's creator, a freelance programmer known as Sigvatr, described the game on the SomethingAwful.com website as "fun and funny".
In a "How you can help" section, he writes to visitors: "Don't whinge about how offensive and 'edgy' this is."
British Muslim youth organisation The Ramadhan Foundation expressed its "deep condemnation and anger" at the game.
The group said: "This game is glorifying the killing of Muslims in the Middle East and we urge ISP providers to take action to remove this site from their services as it incites violence towards Muslims and is trying to justify the killing of innocent Muslims.
"We have written to the British Government to urge an inquiry into this game and take action to shut down the site. This is not satire but a deliberate attempt to demonise Muslims."
The foundation's chief executive, Mohammed Shafiq, added: "Encouraging children and young people in a game to kill Muslims is unacceptable, tasteless and deeply offensive.
"There is an increase in violence in this country and some of it comes from video games. When kids spend six hours a day on violent games they are more likely to go outside and commit violence.
"If it was the other way around, with a game featuring Muslims killing Israelis or Americans, there would be uproar and rightly so.
"I would urge ISPs to take action against sites like this and there can be no justification for this sort of video game. I hope the person who made this game thinks again."
The game was first released in January this year but has become more popular in recent days after being linked to by several prominent blogs.
The goal of Muslim Massacre, which can be downloaded for free on the internet, is to "ensure that no Muslim man or woman is left alive", according to the game's creator.
Players control an "American Hero" armed with a machine gun and rocket launcher who is parachuted into the Middle East.
Users progress through levels, first killing Arabs that appear on screen and later taking on Osama bin Laden, Mohammed and finally Allah.
The game's creator, a freelance programmer known as Sigvatr, described the game on the SomethingAwful.com website as "fun and funny".
In a "How you can help" section, he writes to visitors: "Don't whinge about how offensive and 'edgy' this is."
British Muslim youth organisation The Ramadhan Foundation expressed its "deep condemnation and anger" at the game.
The group said: "This game is glorifying the killing of Muslims in the Middle East and we urge ISP providers to take action to remove this site from their services as it incites violence towards Muslims and is trying to justify the killing of innocent Muslims.
"We have written to the British Government to urge an inquiry into this game and take action to shut down the site. This is not satire but a deliberate attempt to demonise Muslims."
The foundation's chief executive, Mohammed Shafiq, added: "Encouraging children and young people in a game to kill Muslims is unacceptable, tasteless and deeply offensive.
"There is an increase in violence in this country and some of it comes from video games. When kids spend six hours a day on violent games they are more likely to go outside and commit violence.
"If it was the other way around, with a game featuring Muslims killing Israelis or Americans, there would be uproar and rightly so.
"I would urge ISPs to take action against sites like this and there can be no justification for this sort of video game. I hope the person who made this game thinks again."
The game was first released in January this year but has become more popular in recent days after being linked to by several prominent blogs.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ingen Ramadan för kinesiska muslimer
08 september 2008
Ingen Ramadan för kinesiska muslimer
I delar av Xianjiang provinsen och andra muslimska områden i Kina får man inte fasta, bära slöja eller växa ut skägg. Restauranger tvingas hålla öppet trots att ingen vill äta under dagen och män tvingas raka av sig skäggen.
Ett förtryck på den autonoma Uiguriska muslimska befolkningen av det dominerande Kinesiska Han folket som pågått allt för länge och kulminerat i våldshandlingar under augusti av en liten del separatister i området.
Alla dessa förtryckande förbud är enligt den Kinesiska ledningen i syfte att skapa "social stabilitet".
Man hänvisar till Irak och att det under Ramadan månad brukar ske våldsamheter. Dock har man enligt artikeln i International Herald Tribune, inget bevis eller tidigare erfarenhet som tyder på att detsamma skulle ske i Kina.
För övrigt kan man ju tillägga att det är en enda stor våldsfest i Irak... oavsett tid på året.
Bloggtips: Islam in China- En kinesisk muslim lyfter fram en verklighet man inte har tillgång till.
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om Kina, Islam, Muslimer, Fasta, Ramadan, Religionsfrihet, Religion, Mänskliga Rättigheter, Frihet, Regim, Förtryck
Upplagd av Selberg-Zaib
Sunday, September 7, 2008
أَكْمَلُ النَّاْسِ لَذَّةً
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
نفائس الثمرات:
أَكْمَلُ النَّاْسِ لَذَّةً وَأَنجسُهُمْ حَظْاً مِنْهُ
أكمل الناس لذة من جمع له بين لذة القلب والروح ولذة البدن، فهو يتناول لذاته المباحة على وجه لا ينقص حظه من الدار الآخرة ولا يقطع عليه لذة المعرفة والأنس بربه فهذا ممن قال تعالى فيه: { قُلْ مَنْ حَرَّمَ زِينَةَ اللَّهِ الَّتِيَ أَخْرَجَ لِعِبَادِهِ وَالْطَّيِّبَاتِ مِنَ الرِّزْقِ قُلْ هِي لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا خَالِصَةً يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ }، وأنجسهم حظا من اللذة من تناولها على وجه يحول بينه وبين لذات الآخرة فيكون ممن يقال لهم يوم استيفاء اللذات : { أَذْهَبْتُمْ طَيِّبَاتِكُمْ فِي حَيَاتِكُمُ الدُّنْيَا وَاسْتَمْتَعْتُم بِهَا }، فهؤلاء تمتعوا بالطيبات وأولئك تمتعوا بالطيبات . وافترقوا في وجه التمتع ، فأولئك تمتعوا بها على الوجه الذي آذن لهم فيه فجمع لهم بين لذة الدنيا والآخرة وهؤلاء تمتعوا بها على الوجه الذي دعاهم إليه الهوى والشهوة وسواء أذن لهم فيه أم لا ، فانقطعت عنهم لذة الدنيا و فاتتهم لذة الآخرة فلا لذة الدنيا دامت لهم ولا لذة الآخرة حصلت لهم، فمن أحب اللذة ودوامها والعيش الطيب فليجعل لذة الدنيا موصلا له إلى لذة الآخرة بأن يستعين بها على فراغ قلبه لله إرادته وعبادته ، فيتناولها بحكم الاستعانة والقوة على طلبه لا بحكم مجرد الشهوة والهوى ، وإن كان ممن زويت عنه لذات الدنيا وطيباتها فليجعل ما نقص منها زيادة في لذة الآخرة ، و يجم نفسه ههنا بالترك ليستوفيها كاملة هناك ، فطيبات الدنيا ولذاتها نعم العون لمن صح طلبه لله والدار الآخرة وكانت همته لما هناك ، و بئس القاطع لمن كانت هي مقصوده وهمته، وحولها يدندن، وفواتها في الدنيا نعم العون لطالب الله والدار الآخرة ، و بئس القاطع النازع من الله والدار الآخرة . فمن أخذ منافع الدنيا على وجه لا ينقص حظه من الآخرة ظفر بهما جميعا وإلا خسرهما جميعا. كتاب الفوائد لابن القيم
وَصَلِّ اللَّهُمَّ عَلَىْ سَيِّدِنا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَىْ آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ أَجْمَعِينَ
نفائس الثمرات:
أَكْمَلُ النَّاْسِ لَذَّةً وَأَنجسُهُمْ حَظْاً مِنْهُ
أكمل الناس لذة من جمع له بين لذة القلب والروح ولذة البدن، فهو يتناول لذاته المباحة على وجه لا ينقص حظه من الدار الآخرة ولا يقطع عليه لذة المعرفة والأنس بربه فهذا ممن قال تعالى فيه: { قُلْ مَنْ حَرَّمَ زِينَةَ اللَّهِ الَّتِيَ أَخْرَجَ لِعِبَادِهِ وَالْطَّيِّبَاتِ مِنَ الرِّزْقِ قُلْ هِي لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا خَالِصَةً يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ }، وأنجسهم حظا من اللذة من تناولها على وجه يحول بينه وبين لذات الآخرة فيكون ممن يقال لهم يوم استيفاء اللذات : { أَذْهَبْتُمْ طَيِّبَاتِكُمْ فِي حَيَاتِكُمُ الدُّنْيَا وَاسْتَمْتَعْتُم بِهَا }، فهؤلاء تمتعوا بالطيبات وأولئك تمتعوا بالطيبات . وافترقوا في وجه التمتع ، فأولئك تمتعوا بها على الوجه الذي آذن لهم فيه فجمع لهم بين لذة الدنيا والآخرة وهؤلاء تمتعوا بها على الوجه الذي دعاهم إليه الهوى والشهوة وسواء أذن لهم فيه أم لا ، فانقطعت عنهم لذة الدنيا و فاتتهم لذة الآخرة فلا لذة الدنيا دامت لهم ولا لذة الآخرة حصلت لهم، فمن أحب اللذة ودوامها والعيش الطيب فليجعل لذة الدنيا موصلا له إلى لذة الآخرة بأن يستعين بها على فراغ قلبه لله إرادته وعبادته ، فيتناولها بحكم الاستعانة والقوة على طلبه لا بحكم مجرد الشهوة والهوى ، وإن كان ممن زويت عنه لذات الدنيا وطيباتها فليجعل ما نقص منها زيادة في لذة الآخرة ، و يجم نفسه ههنا بالترك ليستوفيها كاملة هناك ، فطيبات الدنيا ولذاتها نعم العون لمن صح طلبه لله والدار الآخرة وكانت همته لما هناك ، و بئس القاطع لمن كانت هي مقصوده وهمته، وحولها يدندن، وفواتها في الدنيا نعم العون لطالب الله والدار الآخرة ، و بئس القاطع النازع من الله والدار الآخرة . فمن أخذ منافع الدنيا على وجه لا ينقص حظه من الآخرة ظفر بهما جميعا وإلا خسرهما جميعا. كتاب الفوائد لابن القيم
وَصَلِّ اللَّهُمَّ عَلَىْ سَيِّدِنا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَىْ آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ أَجْمَعِينَ
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Äntligen en effektiv hostmedicin: honung
Sammanfattningvis är hosta ett bra sätt att avlägsna sekret och annat skräp från luftvägarna. Om hostan blir improduktiv och störande nattetid kan den ibland lindras med en sked honung på kvällen, men förvänta er inte bättre sömn och tänk på att längre tids användning ger stor risk för karies. Använd inte alls vanlig hostmedicin, som har mer biverkningar än verkningar.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Birr Al-Walidain (Kindness to Parents)
Birr Al-Walidain (Kindness to Parents)
The word Birr (kindness) in the Arabic language is used to describe righteousness, piety, reverence, devoutness and kindness among other things. The word Barr (kind) on the other hand, is he who is kind, devout, and righteous. Both of these words come from the root verb Barra which means to be dutiful, to be reverent, and to be devoted. So, when Allah (swt) uses this word Barr to describe Yahya (as), He (swt) meant that Yahya (as) was kind and devoted to his parents.
Indeed Birr (kindness) to the parents is a quality that was found amongst the Anbiyah (as), the pious, and those who followed them. Imam Bukhari narrates on the authority of Abdullah (ra): “I asked the Messenger of Allah (saw) which deed is most beloved to Allah (swt)”. He (saw) said: “Salah at it’s appointed times”. Then Abdullah (ra) asked: “and then what?” he (saw) said: “Then kindness to parents”, then he (ra) asked: “and then what?” he (saw) said: “Jihad in the way of Allah". The Messenger of Allah (saw) in this Hadith very clearly distinguishes the superiority of each deed mentioning kindness to the parents after the performing of Salah and before Jihad in the way of Allah, and there are many other Ahadith to this affect.
In one ayah of the Qur’an Allah (swt) commands the believers to be kind with their parents, immediately after commanding them not to worship anyone but Him (swt).
“And your Lord has commanded you not to worship other that Him and to be kind to your parents. If one of them or both of them reach old age then do not say Uff to them and do not turn away from them with angry words and address them with kind words. And lower the wings of humility in mercy and say O Lord be merciful to them as they cared for me when I was a child” [TMQ 17:23]
Saying Uff is the lowest form for expressing discomfort and annoyance which Allah (swt) prohibits, and even if there was an even lower form of expression to express discomfort or annoyance that would be prohibited as well. He (swt) further adds not to rebuke them, and to speak to them with soft and kind words.
In another ayah Allah (swt) commands believers to be thankful to the parents just after commanding them to be thankful to Him (swt), thus well establishing the status of the mother and father after Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw). Allah (swt) says in Surah Luqman:
“And we have entrusted mankind with his parents, his mother bore him while she grew weaker and weaker, and his weaning is for two years, so give thanks to me and your parents. To me is the returning” [TMQ 31:14]
The Messenger of Allah (saw) emphasised to be devoutness and being dutiful to your mother above the father and thus as Abu Hurrayrah (ra) narrates, when a man asked the Messenger of Allah (saw): “Who is more deserved of my good companionship?” He (saw) said “Your mother”. He said “Then who”. He (saw) said “Your mother” He said “Then who?” He (saw) “Your mother” He asked a fourth time “Then who?” He (saw) replied “Your father”. From this it is understood that the love and affection shown to the mother should be 3 times as much of that which is shown to the father.
On one occasion the Sahabah (ra) brought the pulpit to the Messenger of Allah (saw). As the Messenger of Allah (saw) climbed each of the three steps he (saw) said Ameen. After he (saw) finished with his sermon and came back down the Sahabah asked him (saw): “Oh! Messenger of Allah, we have heard something from you that we have not heard from you before.” He (saw) replied “Verily Jibreel (as) came to me as I took the first step and said “Far away (cursed) is he who witnessed Ramadhan and did not attain forgiveness”. And so I replied Ameen, so when I took the second step Jibreel (as) said “Far away (cursed) is he who when your (Oh! Muhammad) name is mentioned he does not say Salah upon you”. And when I took the third step Jibreel (as) said “Far away (cursed) is he who witnessed both his parents, or one of them in old age, and he did not enter Jannah because of them”. [Narrated by Tabarani, Ismael Al-Qadhi, and also Bukhari but with slightly different wording]. How can one be successful after the Messenger of Allah (saw) and Jibreel (as) the leaders of the Anbiyah and the Malaikah make Dua against them?
Kindness and being dutiful to the parents is not restricted to Muslim parents, as when the Messenger of Allah (saw) was asked about a Muslim’s mother who was an idolatrous woman, he (saw) replied “Have good relations with your mother?” [Narrated by Bukhari].
So we find that Allah (swt) and His Messenger, Muhammad (saw) through these Ayah and Ahadeeth mentioned and many more, command the believers to be dutiful to the parents in all of their affairs, and not to upset them. So, He (swt) made disobeying the parents one of the greatest (Kabaa’ir) of sins. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said “Verily from amongst the greatest sins is that a man abuses his parents” [Narrated by Bukhari]. The status of the parents therefore should not be neglected, and should be realised, in that even if they commanded to do that which is disliked in Islam it is an obligation for it to be done. Since a disliked action is not a sin where as not obeying your parents is a sinful deed.
It is now incumbent upon Muslims to reconcile any contradictions they may face in fulfilling their covenant with Allah (swt). How is it that they prioritise the duty towards their parents and all the other responsibilities they share being a Muslims? There is no doubt amongst the Muslims that anyone who commands someone to disobey Allah (swt); it is prohibited for him to obey such a command.
The word Birr (kindness) in the Arabic language is used to describe righteousness, piety, reverence, devoutness and kindness among other things. The word Barr (kind) on the other hand, is he who is kind, devout, and righteous. Both of these words come from the root verb Barra which means to be dutiful, to be reverent, and to be devoted. So, when Allah (swt) uses this word Barr to describe Yahya (as), He (swt) meant that Yahya (as) was kind and devoted to his parents.
Indeed Birr (kindness) to the parents is a quality that was found amongst the Anbiyah (as), the pious, and those who followed them. Imam Bukhari narrates on the authority of Abdullah (ra): “I asked the Messenger of Allah (saw) which deed is most beloved to Allah (swt)”. He (saw) said: “Salah at it’s appointed times”. Then Abdullah (ra) asked: “and then what?” he (saw) said: “Then kindness to parents”, then he (ra) asked: “and then what?” he (saw) said: “Jihad in the way of Allah". The Messenger of Allah (saw) in this Hadith very clearly distinguishes the superiority of each deed mentioning kindness to the parents after the performing of Salah and before Jihad in the way of Allah, and there are many other Ahadith to this affect.
In one ayah of the Qur’an Allah (swt) commands the believers to be kind with their parents, immediately after commanding them not to worship anyone but Him (swt).
“And your Lord has commanded you not to worship other that Him and to be kind to your parents. If one of them or both of them reach old age then do not say Uff to them and do not turn away from them with angry words and address them with kind words. And lower the wings of humility in mercy and say O Lord be merciful to them as they cared for me when I was a child” [TMQ 17:23]
Saying Uff is the lowest form for expressing discomfort and annoyance which Allah (swt) prohibits, and even if there was an even lower form of expression to express discomfort or annoyance that would be prohibited as well. He (swt) further adds not to rebuke them, and to speak to them with soft and kind words.
In another ayah Allah (swt) commands believers to be thankful to the parents just after commanding them to be thankful to Him (swt), thus well establishing the status of the mother and father after Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw). Allah (swt) says in Surah Luqman:
“And we have entrusted mankind with his parents, his mother bore him while she grew weaker and weaker, and his weaning is for two years, so give thanks to me and your parents. To me is the returning” [TMQ 31:14]
The Messenger of Allah (saw) emphasised to be devoutness and being dutiful to your mother above the father and thus as Abu Hurrayrah (ra) narrates, when a man asked the Messenger of Allah (saw): “Who is more deserved of my good companionship?” He (saw) said “Your mother”. He said “Then who”. He (saw) said “Your mother” He said “Then who?” He (saw) “Your mother” He asked a fourth time “Then who?” He (saw) replied “Your father”. From this it is understood that the love and affection shown to the mother should be 3 times as much of that which is shown to the father.
On one occasion the Sahabah (ra) brought the pulpit to the Messenger of Allah (saw). As the Messenger of Allah (saw) climbed each of the three steps he (saw) said Ameen. After he (saw) finished with his sermon and came back down the Sahabah asked him (saw): “Oh! Messenger of Allah, we have heard something from you that we have not heard from you before.” He (saw) replied “Verily Jibreel (as) came to me as I took the first step and said “Far away (cursed) is he who witnessed Ramadhan and did not attain forgiveness”. And so I replied Ameen, so when I took the second step Jibreel (as) said “Far away (cursed) is he who when your (Oh! Muhammad) name is mentioned he does not say Salah upon you”. And when I took the third step Jibreel (as) said “Far away (cursed) is he who witnessed both his parents, or one of them in old age, and he did not enter Jannah because of them”. [Narrated by Tabarani, Ismael Al-Qadhi, and also Bukhari but with slightly different wording]. How can one be successful after the Messenger of Allah (saw) and Jibreel (as) the leaders of the Anbiyah and the Malaikah make Dua against them?
Kindness and being dutiful to the parents is not restricted to Muslim parents, as when the Messenger of Allah (saw) was asked about a Muslim’s mother who was an idolatrous woman, he (saw) replied “Have good relations with your mother?” [Narrated by Bukhari].
So we find that Allah (swt) and His Messenger, Muhammad (saw) through these Ayah and Ahadeeth mentioned and many more, command the believers to be dutiful to the parents in all of their affairs, and not to upset them. So, He (swt) made disobeying the parents one of the greatest (Kabaa’ir) of sins. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said “Verily from amongst the greatest sins is that a man abuses his parents” [Narrated by Bukhari]. The status of the parents therefore should not be neglected, and should be realised, in that even if they commanded to do that which is disliked in Islam it is an obligation for it to be done. Since a disliked action is not a sin where as not obeying your parents is a sinful deed.
It is now incumbent upon Muslims to reconcile any contradictions they may face in fulfilling their covenant with Allah (swt). How is it that they prioritise the duty towards their parents and all the other responsibilities they share being a Muslims? There is no doubt amongst the Muslims that anyone who commands someone to disobey Allah (swt); it is prohibited for him to obey such a command.
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